
The new Messerschmitt is manufactured in Andalusia

Manufactured in the Malaga town of Nerja, this model in the image and likeness of the iconic German microcar has a Piaggio combustion engine along with the electric option.

After the Second World War, aeronautical companies in countries like Italy and Germany had to reconvert. Clearly financed by the war-mongering governments of the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis, these came to create specially developed designs whose echoes still resonate not only in the skies, but also on the roads.

Something easily verifiable thanks to elements such as direct injection. First present in Nazi aviation fighters to, at the same time, improve the performance of sports vehicles such as the Mercedes 300 SL. In this sense, from Piaggio to Messerschmitt through BMW - which he even sold cooking pots In order to balance their accounts, a multitude of brands with former military interests ended up producing civilian vehicles after the war.

In fact, while Piaggio consolidated its Vespa in Italy Before taking them to other countries with the licensed production system - see the history of the Madrid-based Motovespa -, in Germany Messerschmitt adapted to the promising microcar market with the KR175.

Characterized by a design clearly reminiscent of aeronautical patterns, this microcar with two front wheels and one rear wheel became one of the most recognizable in that segment. halfway between motorcycle and car. What's more, even Piaggio itself dared to enter it thanks to the Vespa 400.

And, not in vain, given the economic possibilities of post-war Europe, models such as the Biscúter, the Isetta - or the two previously mentioned - fit well among a clientele unable to afford a full-fledged automobile. A situation overcome with the launch of economic models like the Fiat 500 but which, after all, did stretch for at least two decades.


If we take a look at the most recent history of motorsports we will see how nostalgia, or at least a nod to the past, sells. So things are, from BMW with its Mini to Volkswagen with its New Beetle There have been many brands that have rescued icons from the past to present them with totally new technology.

In fact, these very days we are seeing the resurgence of the Renault 5 in electric form and even in Barcelona efforts are being made to adapt the old and emblematic Montesa Impala to this same mechanism.

In short, a context where the reappearance of a design as special as that of the Messerschmitt It doesn't seem like something appetizing. Just what a German company based in the Malaga town of Nerja has thought. Place in which they not only produce an electric version of the Messerschmitt, but also another with a four-stroke Piaggio engine and 16,9 HP for 220 kilos.

Without a doubt, a true treat for those who want a ride attached to the asphalt under a retro aesthetic with current materials. Quite a whim with an Andalusian touch.

Images: Messerschmitt 

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Written by Miguel Sánchez

Through the news from La Escudería, we will travel the winding roads of Maranello listening to the roar of the Italian V12; We will travel Route66 in search of the power of the great American engines; we will get lost in the narrow English lanes tracking the elegance of their sports cars; We will speed up the braking in the curves of the Monte Carlo Rally and we will even get dusty in a garage while rescuing lost jewels.

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