porsche 944 video

In Video (and with great fondness): Porsche 944

Last week I visualized, through Paco Carrión, this magnificent video about the Porsche 944. From the first moment I was surprised how well done it was and, above all, the sense of its owner and author, Alejandro Palomo, who has managed to reflect in my opinion in a tremendously successful way what most of us call hobby.

Let's go by parts. Technically the video seems like a gem to me, especially regarding the narrative, dynamic rhythm, sensitivity and the different areas that are covered: A beautiful presentation, price analysis and maintenance costs, exclusivity, say, classic, performance and behavior and, finally, exhibition of the hobby that connects all of us who are sick of this and, above all, of its wonderful social aspect.

[su_youtube_advanced https=»yes» https=»yes» url=»https://youtu.be/c5TaeiYsrlM» width=»700″ rel=»no»]

On the other hand, to 944 it is described in a precise way, explaining once and for all what we are up to and what place it occupies within the models of the time: This is a 'comprehensive' Porsche, although not a 911, with all that this entails in terms of performance and costs; It is not a hybrid with an Audi engine as is the case with the 924 (otherwise another excellent machine), nor a 928, the top of the front-engine ranking called to re-found the Stuttgart brand, but a GT halfway between the two , with its own personality.

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Written by javier romagosa

My name is Javier Romagosa. My father has always been passionate about historic vehicles and I have inherited his hobby, while growing up among classic cars and motorcycles. I have studied journalism and continue to do so as I want to become a university professor and change the world ... Read more

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