Magazine "Young Cars"

New magazine: «Young Cars»

During these months, a new magazine dedicated to vintage cars has gradually taken shape. Is about Young Cars, publication that every two months will deal in detail with motor icons from the 80s and 90s. Thus, it dedicates its first issue to the Porsche 928 S4 and Lancia Delta HPE HF sports cars.

Young Cars is a magazine dedicated exclusively to the so-called youngtimers, that is to say, to those cars that due to their exclusivity, special characteristics or popularity have marked an era and that are about to reach the necessary age to be classified as classics.

The new magazine is made in DIN A4 format and consists of around 60 full color pages in 115 grammage, together with its 300 glasofonated covers. It can be purchased at the price of seven euros plus shipping costs by requesting it at the email address [email protected].

Apart from the central theme, Issue 1 includes the sections "Daddy's Cars" and "Readers' Cars", as well as reports on the disappearance of Lancia and the first part of the restoration of a Lancia Beta Coupé. Finally, we attach a series of images so that our readers can learn about the style and layout, as well as we wish the nascent publication good luck.


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Written by javier romagosa

My name is Javier Romagosa. My father has always been passionate about historic vehicles and I have inherited his hobby, while growing up among classic cars and motorcycles. I have studied journalism and continue to do so as I want to become a university professor and change the world ... Read more

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