
The Top 10 Spanish Classic Cars

Seat 600, the 'Pelotilla'

El Seat 600 It was manufactured for 18 years under the Fiat license and became a beloved classic in Spain. Like many others that have gained a cult following, it was devised to be affordable and to get Spanish families out on the road at a time when cars were still uncommon. He conquered the Spanish streets and received the nickname of "pellet" due to its round shape and small size.

Renault 8, unbeatable brakes

Architecturally very similar to its predecessor, the Dauphine, the Renault 8 it brought something of new style and technology. It was much more angular in shape, fitted with four-wheel disc brakes and offered the option of an automatic gearbox, but retained the rear engine layout. The R8 earned a reputation for reliability and performance after winning several European rallies and today a well-maintained and / or slightly modified version is a great classic investment.

Seat 124, the bolido of Zanini

Launched just a year before man took his first steps on the moon, this midsize family car was hugely popular in Spain: A total of 896 units were sold during its 136 years of production. It was popular with taxi drivers and later rally drivers, where it achieved its success, achieving many victories with drivers such as Salvador Cañellas and Antonio Zanini.

Salvador Cañellas and Daniel Ferrater return to Monte Carlo
Historical photos of the Seat 124 of Zanini and Petisco in Montecarlo, 1977 (Courtesy of Seat)

Seat 850, something more than 600

With a similar price to the Seat 600, the 850 arrived on the market with the necessary improvements to adapt to the market of the late 60s in Spain. For starters, it was safer and the boot was bigger, which meant more space for luggage to allow for a better experience while traveling. It also boasted a more powerful engine that drove the growth of the Barcelona Free Zone factory.

seat 850 spanishSeat 1500, high-flying

Almost all Madrid taxis in the early 70s were 1500. It was the epitome of a high-end car in its day. At a time when owning a 600 was already a luxury, the majestic 1500 added a touch of class to distinguish the wealthy. The 6-seater sedan and the family tourism were also the cars of choice for the fleet of the Mobile Park of the Ministry.

Renault 4L, capable of anything

Built by Renault as an answer to the Citroën 2CV and also known as "Four cans" in Spain, the 4L began life as an economy car in the 60s. Front-wheel drive was a success. In the 1970s, it led a new generation of hippies and in the 80s it became an everyday vehicle for families, delivery drivers, and even a favorite choice for rally drivers.

Simca 1000, by Rallye

The Simca 1000 was produced by Diesel Sweepers in Spain and, later, by the same company with another name: Chrysler España, SA They produced 2 special models only for the Spanish market. One was a low-spec 844cc version; Any engine under 850cc would receive a substantial tax reduction in Spain at the time, so this was a smart move. The only other model produced only for the Spanish market was the 1000 GT 61 CV DIN (45 kW). Introduced in 1970 as the lightest version of the 1200 Coupé and, 6 years later, after some design and technology updates, the Spanish-built Simca 1000 Rallye seemed to rival French competitors.

simca spanish

Citroën 2CV, charisma at close range

Along with the Seat 600, the Citroën 2CV helped put Spain into circulation. Despite being mocked by audiences after his reveal, it was an instant hit. After WWII, very few pre-war cars were still in operation, therefore a practical little car with a reasonable price was the solution. Not only did its popularity live long after production stopped, there was also extensive production of 2CV-based cars in Spain.

citroen 2 cv spain

Austin Authi 1100 and Mini Authi

To enable British Motor Corporation to sell their cars in Spain, they collaborated with Nueva Montaña Quijano and, as a result, the Pamplona automaker Authi was born. Authi produced near-exact copies of BMC's Austin and Morris models under its own name to protect Spanish companies from the threat of a foreign takeover. The company only survived for 11 years.

Although Authi was founded in 1965, production did not begin until 1968. That year, they released the 1275 C version of the mini, equipped with a luxurious interior that included a wooden dashboard with many clocks. It achieved the highest sales records in the short history of the company. In fact, it was so popular that Authi later added a Mini 850, Mini 1000, and Mini Cooper 1300 to its lineup to add to the appeal.

mini spanish

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