
50 years of the Seat 124 in Retromóvil Madrid 2017

Retromobile Madrid, XV International Vintage Vehicle Show, to be held from 15 to December 17 in the Feria de Madrid venue, will pay a well-deserved tribute to the SEAT 124 on the occasion of the commemoration of its 50th anniversary, which is celebrated in April 2018.

The organization has planned, in coordination with the National Club of Seat 1430, 124 and 124 Sport, reserve a large stand of 275 m / 2, where various models of its range will be exhibited, since in the two decades in which it was manufactured there were saloon, family and coupe versions, with different mechanics and finishes. 

In this space they will undoubtedly stand out competition units, which allowed the 124 to star in important feats in the main tests of the time and write the first pages of Seat's sporting history.

In addition, the aforementioned club has convened a national concentration whose main objective will be to collect at least 124 units of the mythical model built in Spain under Fiat license, in the factories of the Zona Franca de Barcelona and Landaben (Pamplona), between the years 1968 and 1980.

The rally will take place on Saturday, December 16 at 10 a.m. and the vehicles will remain exposed throughout the morning in front of the main gate of retromobile Madrid, in the pavilion nº 12 of Ifema.

All those owners of a SEAT 124 unit who want to participate in it and be present at this historic event, can formalize their registration by contacting the national club by email [email protected], from which they will be informed in detail of all these activities.

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Written by Alvaro Romagosa placeholder image

Alvaro Romagosa has a degree in International Relations and is passionate about music. Drummer of the indie group Gole Yaika, has decided to collaborate in 'La Escudería' so that you enjoy their news ...

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