The English wheel: this is how cars were floated
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The English wheel: This is how cars were floated

Like all, or rather, like almost all expensive things, great cars are or were made by hand. Thanks to the English wheel those sexy, voluptuous, beautiful and elaborate bodies of some of the cars most appreciated today by us classic fans, took shape. Well, thanks to her and the patient, safe and wise hands of the most careful craftsmen in the automotive world.

Today computer programs such as AutoCAD or CATIA they standardize relatively quickly and easily almost all the pieces of today's industry, but perhaps not so many years ago things were done in a very different way ... And I think so much.

Possibly many of us find it a lie that, for example, such mythical lines as those of the majestic body of the stratospherically expensive Ferrari GTO 250, came out of a rudimentary tool like the machine that we present here:

The english wheel

It is neither more nor less than a simple machine shaped like a C that holds two wheels that can be put together more or less to, in a completely handmade way, repeatedly pass a metal plate to slowly give it the silhouette of the part of the body that we want.

Sounds simple right? The truth is that it may seem so, but just take a look at the video that we leave you here below to really understand the merit and complexity necessary to transform a simple aluminum sheet into the wonderful quasi-exact curvature of, for example, the spolier of the trunk of the most expensive Ferrari in the world.

By the way, although possibly many of the body panels could be made to eye, most manufacturers used a thing called Master; a metal frame in the shape of the car in question to use as a guide, by putting the pieces, once formed, on top of it. Just a few months ago, one of the two existing masters of the named 250 GTO was auctioned, reaching a price of 136.400 euros.

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Written by Alexander palomo

Being a millionaire and buying all the cars in the world sounded difficult, so becoming a motorist journalist and driving them for free seemed more tangible ... As well as romantic. My greatest triumph has been being able to dedicate myself to cars from many points of view: journalism, organization of events and commercial training. I love my work life!

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