
The importance of brake pads and their replacement

Brake pads are one of the most important safety items in any car, including, of course, our classics.

When we are driving a vehicle, we want to be sure that the brakes are working properly. These carry out an essential role while driving, as well as being in charge of braking the car in any case of emergency. Due to this reason, it is of great importance that all the components that make up the braking system are in perfect condition at all times as long as the entire system works with guarantees. One of the most important pieces in this system are the brake pads., which need regular maintenance to ensure their good condition.

When the brake pedal is depressed, a mechanism is activated that ultimately causes the brake pads to press against the car's brake disc. Due to this pressure, it creates a friction between the pads and the discs that causes the wheels of the vehicle to brake. Both the pads and the discs are subject to wear due to their operation, which is why it is necessary to replace these parts from time to time so that they continue to work well.

Image of brake pads from

The frequency with which it is necessary to carry out replacement of brake pads may vary depending on various factors that can affect differently the wear of these parts. The driving style, the terrain and the level of traffic in the area in which you usually drive are some of the factors that can cause the useful life of the brake pads to be longer or shorter. However, experts agree that it is It is advisable to carry out a review of these parts every 20.000 or 30.000 kilometers. to check its condition and its thickness. In addition, as a general rule, it can be said that the front pads are usually replaced after 60.000 kilometers, while the rear ones last twice as long, 120.000 kilometers.

Due to the importance of the braking system in driving a car, it is best to let a professional workshop replace these parts. To replace the brake pads it is necessary to follow the following steps:

  1. Turn the direction of the car towards the wheel in which the pad is to be changed and loosen its bolts.
  2. Raise the car and remove the wheel.
  3. Remove the pad fasteners using an Allen key. Then pry out the pads with a screwdriver.
  4. Install the new pads. To do this, it is necessary to introduce them and hook them to the upper metal plate. Once they are in place, you have to compress and adjust the brake piston to fit them and screw the fasteners back on.
  5. Remount the wheel.
  6. Repeat the process with the other wheel on the axle. Brake pads must be replaced in pairs, on both wheels on the same axle.
  7. Pump the brake progressively all the way down so that the pads just fit exactly.

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Written by Ivan Vicario Martin

I am lucky to have turned my passion into my way of earning a living. Since I left the Faculty of Information Sciences in 2004, I have been professionally dedicated to motor journalism. I started in the magazine Coches Clásicos in its beginnings, going on to direct it in 2012, the year in which I also took charge of Clásicos Populares. Throughout these almost two decades of my professional career, I have worked in all types of media, including magazines, radio, the web and television, always in formats and programs related to the engine. I am crazy about the classics, Formula 1 and the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

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