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Lapin's notebook

The French artist known as Lapin has embarked on a project full of nostalgia and imagination for which he needs your help. It is a book of illustrations of cars whose title is Oldies but goldies -something like "Old men but valuable."

For this cartoonist, settled between Paris and Barcelona, his source of inspiration has been the old, rather old cars that he has found on the streets and that he has captured in his notebooks, always looking for the greatest similarity with reality, reflecting the mark of time on their bodies.

Lapin, who confesses to being in love with the history of vintage cars, in each work carried out gives free rein to his imagination to build a story about their owners, the roads they have been able to travel, the anecdotes lived, the signs left by shocks and subsequent repairs ... And, of course, about the patina that is acquired as it ages. All this reverie is represented in his work.

As we said at the beginning, his project requires the support of all those fans who want to see it materialize. The artist does not have the means to pay for the edition, so he has exposed it in the Verkami crowdfunding platform waiting for small donations from crowdfunding to allow it to reach the 5.500 euros it needs. At the moment it has 2.000, do you dare to continue adding?
[ln_gallery id = »21918 ″ title =» Gallery of “Lapin's notebook” »]

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Written by Johanna betermi

Johanna Betermi is a Dominican based in Madrid. He graduated in Social Communication from the Catholic University of Santo Domingo, later obtaining a state scholarship for academic excellence that allowed him to study the Master of Television Journalism ... Read more

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