citroen 2cv6 cy for sale

Citroën 2CV from 1985: Open pit

Description of Citroën 2CV6 CT for sale

Citroën 2CV6 CT from 1985 in good state.

The car is ready to use and travel any distance, but it is not 100% original. The sheet metal and paint were checked in 2005, in general it is very healthy but has some small marks from use (see photos).

The hood has some cracks (shown in photos). The upholstery is in very good condition. It has always been in dry weather so it has never had major oxides.

Defects to repair: It does not mark the fuel level, it is probably disconnected. Windshield wipers and horn don't work, but everything else works fine.

Review, valid Spanish technique (ITV). It can be sent to the buyer at a separate cost.

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