4 Hours on Gasari Land 2024

Chronicle 4 Hours on Earth Gasari 2024: regularity on land, what a great invention

The participants of the latest madness devised by Dr. Gasari thoroughly enjoyed a different test prepared with care.

On April 20, the 4 Hours on Gasari Land 2024 on the Valdetajas Circuit, located in Pineda Trasmonte (Burgos). A total of 21 registered participants took part in the test, coming from all corners of the country. There were classics of all kinds, divided into four different categories. Of course, it was time to get up early, since the appointment was at 8 in the morning, the time of the briefing prior to the 30 minutes of free training to know the track.

We talk about a regularity test, so that contact with the layout is essential for choose the lap time you will try to replicate during the 4 hours of competition. Obviously, the fact that the circuit was off-road added extra fun, but also difficulty. Once the start was given, the categories quickly separated, with the larger displacement cars escaping.

To highlight how rear-wheel drive BMWs and Mercedes enjoyed it like children and they made it enjoyable, losing traction almost in every corner. The tactic with front-wheel drive vehicles was the opposite, logically. Of course, since there were similar cars, there were several classic trains, but sportsmanship was the dominant note at all times. Even when it came to dubbing, there was maximum collaboration.


The 4 Hours on Earth Gasari 2024 are also very hard for the route, which began to dry out excessively and generate excessive dust. To avoid it, The organization had planned to bring in a tractor to water the track, period in which the race is neutralized after the safety car. Many teams took the opportunity to change drivers, and in an endurance test, strategy is essential.

Then madness broke out, as Even all-wheel drive cars struggled to stay on track.. However, there were no casualties throughout the test and the scares were limited to hitting the dirt slopes. Even in situations with three classics running in parallel there were no moments of danger. It seems almost a miracle that throughout the 4 hours there was not a single touch between cars.

Once the test was over, it was time to rest and regain strength, something that was done with Rigorous barbecue based on chorizo, blood sausage and chops. Next, and with a full stomach, it was time to distribute the well-deserved prizes among the participants.


Let's start with the winners in the different categories. In C1, reserved for cars with engines up to 1,4 liters, the Škoda Gasari Drivers Team Favorite captained by Borja Hormigos. In the C2 category for classics up to 1,6 liters, the Suzuki Vitara from The Angry Kraken, squad headed by Juan Collín Camacho. Among the models with the largest displacement, in the C3 class (up to 2 liters) the winner was the Ford Sierra RS2000 4×4 from the Mena Team, with Ibon Estalayo Goya in front. Already in category C4, the one reserved for cars with more than 2 liters, the Subaru Legacy of the Prodraif team, captained by Alejandro Aguilar Moya. So far the winners of the 4 Hours on Earth Gasari 2024, although there were many more prizes.

The Special Trophy for the Best Decorated Car went to the Nissan Micra “Rothmans” by Bidasoa Classics. The Special Trophy for the oldest car was awarded to the Peugeot 205 1984 from the 205Coast Team. Furthermore, the coating valued at 300 euros from iDetail Palencia fell into the hands of the Menicucci & Luján Team. The custom vinyl set from Capa Gráfica was for the VW Golf Team Coyote Mk2. Registration for the Sierra de Gata Rally fell to the Rallymiglia Classic Team, who also received the Special Gasari Spirit Trophy. Jose Antonio Vadillo gave a Ramón Bilbao wine lot that the guys from the Autoperro team will enjoy.

Without a doubt, a perfect culmination to a test that went well, thanks largely to the collaboration of the Pineda Automobile Club. From the organization they confirm that there will be a new 4-hour ground test in November of which they will give details later.

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Written by Ivan Vicario Martin

I am lucky to have turned my passion into my way of earning a living. Since I left the Faculty of Information Sciences in 2004, I have been professionally dedicated to motor journalism. I started in the magazine Coches Clásicos in its beginnings, going on to direct it in 2012, the year in which I also took charge of Clásicos Populares. Throughout these almost two decades of my professional career, I have worked in all types of media, including magazines, radio, the web and television, always in formats and programs related to the engine. I am crazy about the classics, Formula 1 and the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

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