Aspects to take into account when taking out insurance for your car

Aspects to take into account when taking out insurance for your car

Whatever day you drive on Spanish roads, you will most likely come across a large number of cars. It is not surprising considering that, In our country, there are many car lovers.

Regardless of how old the vehicle in question is, it is essential to have it insured to be able to drive with it. But which insurer should you choose? The list of companies is long, as is the list of available products. The best thing you can do is use a comparator. Of all those that exist today, one of the most recommended is called CHECK24. And the hiring takes place online.

On the contrary, other comparators simply give the price, so the contracting takes place offline. In short, for greater comfort, speed and savings, compare car insurance at CHECK24.

Regardless of whether you use a tool like the one we just described or prefer to compare car insurance on your own, which is not recommended because you will waste a lot of time, It is essential that you take into account the following aspects.

Agreed or venal value

The majority of accidents that take place on the roads of Spain result in damage that can be repaired without problems. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. If for one reason or another the vehicle ends up in a total loss, the car insurance will pay the client the market value of the car or the agreed value.

On this last case, It is the driver himself who, before hiring the product, agrees on the value it will have.. Don't expect the figure to be the same as what you would get if you sold the car to another vehicle lover, far from it. The insurance will try to set a fairly low amount.

However, it will be in your hands to negotiate upwards. How can you achieve a good result in this regard? Simply proving that your car has a value higher than what the insurance company indicates, providing invoices for maintenance that has taken place, for example.

Unlike other car insurance with which the market value decreases at a dizzying rate, with insurance products that pay the agreed value this does not happen. Although it depends on each insurance, most companies maintain the figure if the car is quite old, since It is not common for the passage of time to end up being negatively affected by the value of the vehicle in question..


While it is true that the first point we have mentioned is very different depending on whether we are talking about modern cars or older cars, modern cars and those that are older, the one that we will detail below is shared for all vehicles. And in any case, coverage takes on special importance. Comparators like the one mentioned in the first paragraphs will be useful when it comes to Find out which insurer offers the best coverage for your car.

Keep in mind that some cars are highly sought after. Thus, they are a delicacy for thieves. It is for this reason that It is highly recommended to purchase car insurance that covers theft, even if the brand that manufactured it is characterized by being one of the most reliable and safe in this sense.

Windshields are elements that, although they may not seem like it, in a car can be quite fragile. Therefore, this coverage is another one that should be included in the contracted product. To the list we must add fire coverages, game animals and meteorological phenomena. No matter how unlikely you think these situations are, the truth is that if you unfortunately have to experience one of them, you will regret having taken out insurance that does not cover the damages.


Repairing a car can be very expensive. And, for example, the lack of parts becomes a headache for workshops. Another clear sign is not being able to detect the source of the problem, such as an oil leak. When the engine has a considerable number of kilometers under its belt, no matter how reliable it is, sooner or later it can end up failing. Taking these aspects into account, is the franchise right for you or not?

It depends on the budget you have, as well as the probability that you think you have of ending up suffering some type of misfortune that ends up with your car in the workshop. Yes indeed, If you opt for car insurance with excess, the price to pay will be significantly lower. In exchange, every time you go to the workshop to repair something you will have to pay the amount in question.

In a time like the current one of economic difficulties for many families, it is understandable that the most successful insurance policies are precisely the franchise ones because Hiring it is much more affordable compared to the others.

Image Jackson david en Pixabay.

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Written by The Escudería

LA ESCUDERÍA is the main website in Spanish dedicated to Classic Cars. We give all kinds of machinery to move by itself: From cars to tractors, from motorcycles to buses and trucks preferably powered by fossil fuels...

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