
The best of Autopia 2024 in images

The long-awaited Autopía automobile event has passed, and we review this great event with a selection of the best photographs.

After months of preparations and many new things announced by the organizers that made attendees eagerly wait for the date, the long-awaited April 20 finally arrived. The day ended up being fantastic and the weather was good, with a fantastic spring day with a very pleasant temperature. which made the walks through the Santander Forest very bearable.

If we have to highlight something above all that, it is the good atmosphere that was experienced during the event, and that is that the location in the forest allows a very harmonious space between vehicles and nature. Furthermore, the large number and variety of participating vehicles made autopia a unique date where there was something for everyone.

The large shaded areas and the variety of restaurant options within the venue made a plan for motor enthusiasts a true plan for everyone, and this was reflected in the high influx of public, especially in the most central hours of the day. . The average age of those present drew attention, much younger than at other events, something that shows that the fans are more alive than ever. and that is achieved by bringing together vehicles from all times and places.


Autopía 2024 has been a year of anniversaries, like the decades of Ford Mustang, which just so happened to blow out the candles that week. The 40 years of the Porsche 911 Turbo were also celebrated, 70 of the Mercedes-Benz 300 SL and 190 SL, the anniversary of Lamborghini, as well as honoring the recently deceased Marcello gandini. It also meets 30 years the Ferrari F355, and to celebrate this figure, Maurizio Corbi, designer of the model, came as a special guest from Italy..

The most unique pieces were located in the lake area of ​​the venue, a privileged location reserved for unique vehicles. There was a wide selection of some of the brands that crown the Olympus of automobile manufacturers such as Mercedes-Benz, Aston Martin or Porsche, which delighted those present. The big names of European design also gathered; Zagato, Bertone, Pininfarina and even a Dodge Boulevard coached by Pedro Serra He was seen there.

In this area, the most contemporary supercars also had a great role, which were the favorites of the younger public, who stampeded every time one of them started. Many ways to understand the same hobby in one of the few events in which it rains to everyone's liking and which is a meeting point for people of all kinds, which can be summarized as a resounding success for which the countdown now restarts until next year in which its organizers will continue to surprise.


In the forest area the cars were delimited by different categories, organized by seniority for different decades; between the sixties and more contemporary vehicles of the 20th centuryI. There were also areas for nationalities dedicated to American and Japanese cars, as well as the steeper area that was reserved for off-road vehicles.

The attendees arrived in Boadilla del Monte early in the morning, and as the different vehicles parked in the areas dedicated to their respective categories. At the beginning of the event in nature there were only some large cardboard boxes supplied by Castrol for the cars to park on and which at first glance could have seemed to be distributed somewhat randomly. But When the cars occupied their seats, they gave great meaning to the whole, with a more disordered arrangement than in a normal concentration that gives each vehicle a greater role. at the same time it is part of a larger whole.

All of this was possible thanks to the event team, who were able to organize nearly a thousand vehicles in an exemplary manner, all of this with great kindness on a day when nerves were on edge. The number of cars and engines must be multiplied by the number of attendees in general, since Autopía is a perfect event to attend as a family, with a pet included., which brings together true fans and the most casual ones.

With a selection of nearly more than a thousand cars it was difficult to identify all the models even for the most expert. This is where one of the organization's most brilliant ideas comes in, QR codes with the details of each car and a short explanation in which the owners tell their story and that add another touch of class., making it even more worth stopping to see each vehicle in detail.

Images: Javier Ramiro

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Written by Javillac

This thing about cars comes to one since childhood. When other kids preferred the bicycle or the ball, I kept the toy cars.
I still remember as if it were yesterday a day when a black 1500 overtook us on the A2, or the first time I saw a Citroën DS parked on the street, I have always liked chrome bumpers.

In general, I like things from before the time I was born (some say I'm reincarnated), and at the top of that list are cars, which, together with music, make the ideal combination for a perfect time: driving and a soundtrack according to the corresponding car.

As for cars, I like classics of any nationality and era, but my weakness is American cars from the 50s, with their exaggerated shapes and dimensions, which is why many people know me as "Javillac".

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