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Gallery: Best of the Renault Collection in Flins

The Renault collection in Flins houses the most important models that the brand has created since its birth almost 125 years ago. A striking mix between jewels, popular icons and racing cars.

The R14 arrived in 1976 to the incipient C segment that was taking shape in Europe in the 70s, with models like the Golf or the Ritmo.

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Written by Ivan Vicario Martin

I am lucky to have turned my passion into my way of earning a living. Since I left the Faculty of Information Sciences in 2004, I have been professionally dedicated to motor journalism. I started in the magazine Coches Clásicos in its beginnings, going on to direct it in 2012, the year in which I also took charge of Clásicos Populares. Throughout these almost two decades of my professional career, I have worked in all types of media, including magazines, radio, the web and television, always in formats and programs related to the engine. I am crazy about the classics, Formula 1 and the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

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