
Ford Capri: The European Classic That Made Itself

The Ford Capri in Spain (and in the Spanish press)

It is known to all that At the beginning of the 80s the Capri arrived through official channels, through Ford Spain, terribly late, and symbolically. In many respects, the arrival of the first MkIIIs (the very first ones painted in two shades of gray and intended only for brand executives) that crossed our borders was interpreted as an effort by Ford to eliminate the surplus of cars that would become obsolete in the past. how much it will announce the launch of a totally new model: the Sierra.

Meanwhile, the last series would share a catalog with the rest of the brand's vehicles. Its offer to the Spanish public was limited to a single finish called «S», with two variants, Super GT 2.0 l and Super Inyection 2.8 l, and in three possible colors that were actually five: red, white and black, although it could also be requested in yellow and anthracite gray.

In any case, it should be remembered now that, until 1980, the Capri was imported only on request, without being part of the official Ford catalog in Spain.

Ford Capri II, import only
Ford Capri II, import only

Today, It is relatively common to find articles and mentions about the Ford Capri in magazines dedicated to vintage vehicles such as Classic Motor, Exclusive Classics, Auto Bild Classic or Classic Cars, to give a few examples, and even in collections of scale models such as Our Dear Cars -80s-, from Altaya, in which for the first time it was possible to buy, in 2005, a monographic issue with its corresponding and expected MkIII at 1:43 scale.

But the search becomes especially difficult when trying to collect relevant articles and information targeted to the Spanish public of the time, especially in its beginnings. It is a path that requires, mainly, newspaper library time and large doses of patience, which result in the pleasant appearance of data in specialized publications or even in newspapers, which helps us to get a global idea of ​​the passage of the model of Ford for our country. We are going to try to do this below, assuming that there are not all the articles that are, but they are all that are and they constitute a good example that contains the essence of the absent ones.

Prepared, with a 3.4-liter engine and 400 hp, he competed in Group 2 with pilots such as Álex Soler-Roig
Prepared, with a 3.4-liter engine and 400 hp, he competed in Group 2 with pilots such as Álex Soler-Roig

The perspective that gives the passage of the years allows to see some contradictions in the comments that, about the Capri, were made by different automobile journalists ... More or less incisive criticisms, driving tests with really funny paragraphs or simply literal translations of other publications are some good references. But all with a common denominator, generally expressed at the end of each article: praise for his aesthetics and character.

One of the best examples of this is reflected in a comparative test that, between the Capri 2.8i and the Opel Manta i200, made the magazine "Motor 16" in February 1984. It would be desirable that the following paragraph be read anecdotally and not as a guideline to follow:

[your_quote] «The Ford, broader and we would even say that comfortable, it has, however, a more suitable audience in those who only want to be able to boast of owning a coupe, with many horses, to put it at a high speed on the highway or with the first exit of the traffic lights, leaving behind two black tracks as the tires skid. " [/ su_quote]

MkI: Youthful, innovative character (Photo: FoMoCo)
Youthful, novel character

One of the first published references dates from January 25, 1969 in the magazine «Autopista», that is, one day after the Capri was presented to the public. Precisely the text refers to the Brussels Salon. But they say little about him for a fundamental reason:

[su_quote] «For its part, Ford, of which the Capri model is expected as a great novelty, has not wanted to reveal the mystery of a huge cellophane-covered drawer. In a few days, Ford will lift the wrap. Maybe they are new promotional systems. [/ su_quote]

Later it would appear, again in «Autopista», the test of the vehicle that Bernard Carat carried out for «L 'Auto-Journal», under the title "A European-style Mustang." Two epigraphs summarize the content of said test: "Quite successful body" and "dubious behavior." With criteria appealing to prudence, it recommends engines with a maximum of 1700 cc, since from then on it considers that the vehicle is difficult to control; when he refers to the preparation of a 2.300 cc and 170 hp he speaks of entering "Within the field of acrobatics, no matter how much suspensions are prepared"

European style "Ponycar"
The European "ponycar" arrived very late in Spain

On April 5, 1969, "Autopista", which as can be seen serves as a permanent reference, titled an article exactly the same as the one previously mentioned. But this time it makes a detailed report of the options offered, and compares it in price with two contemporary vehicles of the model although much more expensive: the Fiat 124 Sport Coupé and the Sunbeam «Rapier». The author concludes considering that, due to its low price and multitude of options, it only finds a rival in Opel, "in the coupe versions of its Kadett, Rekord and Commodore."

At the same time, Spanish Ford dealerships offer potential customers, in luxurious catalogs, the «23 derivatives to select on your Capri», "Which you consider to be fair, when the car you buy is the same one you have always dreamed of." What is indisputable is the diplomacy with which they presented the model, and that for sales purposes it worked:

[su_quote] «The design is not completely new: some of the most outstanding Italian sports models have resembled the Capri. The novelty is having made a car like the Capri at affordable prices. " [/ su_quote]

Capri II, with hatchback (Photo: FoMoCo)
Remember: Capri II has drastically reduced the number of options available

"The car you've always wanted" begins to have a life of its own. Brief news such as the appearance of a convertible made by Abbot, which has "Achieved great success with its convertible version of the Capri, a model that remains despite having been on the market for several years", or the new version of the «luxurious Capri 3000 E», one of whose tests was published in September 1971 in the «Formula» magazine, became common over the years.

And the competition did the rest. Álex Soler-Roig's international victories (four rounds of the European Touring Car) driving an official Ford Germany RS 2600 in 1971 and 72, the successes shared with Jorge de Bagration in the 1973 Spanish Speed ​​Championship, or the new victory in that championship with Francisco Torredemer in 1974, they contributed to spreading the image of the MkI in countless weeklies.

The appearance of the Capri II is translated as "A wonderful way to be practical." This is how the basic variants of the range were promoted in Spain, although the most luxurious version of the vehicle attempted what in the future this series would not achieve by itself: "The Capri II Ghia is the harbinger of a new era in motorsports."

Ten months later, the 2.8i would arrive without warning.

With the renewal of the range in 1978, we enter the best known stage del Capri in Spain. And in the most contradictory. It is curious to follow, through the publications, the different and gradual phases of the introduction of the two most popular MkIII models: the 2.0 and the 2.8i. What is most surprising is the alternation of criticism for and against the same vehicle (what is written about the 2.0 deserves special attention), separated by a few months apart. Perhaps they were caused by the confusion generated from Ford that, by introducing a vehicle on the market, the 2.0, without notifying buyers of the imminent release of the 2.8i version, in many cases provoked the anger of the new owners . Only ten months separated the two launches.

In February 1978, specialized magazines did not bet for including the powerful 2.8i engine of the Granada in the Capri, since "The relatively low sales of the more powerful versions of the Capri do not justify it". We do not have relevant news about the car until November 1980. Specifically, on the 22nd, in the magazine «Autopista», it is announced that Ford Spain has imported 400 units of the 2.0 corresponding to the year 80 and that they will be on sale from December 12 at all brand dealerships. In the summary of that number, it is indicated with a prominent headline: «El Capri, in balance», and continues saying: "With its commercial life close to extinction ...". The trajectory of 2.0 was already marked when it arrived in our country.

Angled first sketches of the future Capri (Photo: FoMoCo)
Angled early sketches of the future Capri (Image: FoMoCo)

On January 3, 1981, in the 2.0 S test, it reads: "What can be a certain brake when considering the acquisition of a Capri is that it is a model with little future". Keep going:

[your_quote] «(…) Ford's lack of interest by applying a couple of substantial reforms (rear suspension and 5 gears), they make his career is doomed to a relatively quick end. Of course, the replacement may already be ready, call it Capri or something else; but whoever buys a current Capri is almost certain that by the time they want to sell it, they will be selling a car that is no longer manufactured. " [/ su_quote]

MkIII, for all (Photo: FoMoCo)
Capri MkIII, without complexes

Despite the fact that on April 18, 1981, in an article referring to the large number of imports expected in the Spanish market, there is a reference to 2.8i in which it is explained that "Its high price compared to other Fords will make the 160 hp Capri have an almost anecdotal diffusion", on September 12 of the same year the complete test of the model appears. The summary summarizes the content well:

[your_quote] «With a brilliant performance and a very reasonable price, The Capri 2.8i takes us back to the glorious times of 20 years ago, when there was no speed limitation, no power crisis. With its rigid suspension and no self-locking, it is a car for expert and mature drivers; but various refinements of equipment and mechanics indicate that it is a car from the 80s anyway. " [/ su_quote]

To end this summary, and the article, one more reference. On August 29, 1981, the magazine «Velocity» published the test of the 2.8i. After some original headlines ("Everything is possible in Granada", referring to the mechanics, "Modern suspension at the front and 'carriage' at the rear", o «Sports car of rancid stock»), its author concludes a column that can serve, on the one hand, as a final point for the small history of the model in Spain, and on the other, to reflect a sentiment shared by all of us who are fortunate today to take care of, sometimes bordering on obsession, a Capri of any era:

[su_quote] «We recommend to those who start their driving that, if they have chosen it, be patient and go little by little trying to get to know it since, in the end, they will be one and the other, man and machine, unconditional friends. " [/ su_quote]

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Written by Albert Ferreras

Alberto Ferreras (Madrid, 1968) developed his professional career in the newspaper El País since 1988, where he worked as a graphic editor and editor of the supplement Motor until January 2011. Graduated in Photography, he was a finalist for the Ortega y Gasset Award of ... Read more

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