End of the DGT and Low Emission Zones stickers

The end of the DGT and Low Emission Zone stickers may be very close

The renewable fuels announced by the Spanish multinational Repsol are the immediate solution we were waiting for. Long life to the combustion engine!

Now that it has proven impossible to replace conventional mobility with electric mobility, we have a solution that immediately resolves the dilemma. A solution that would put an end to the happy stickers of the DGT and the Low Emission Zones, nothing less.

Let's start by saying that the automobile, and as its origin the combustion engine in all its variants, It is the element that has made humanity progress the most in the last one hundred and fifty years.. Man, as a species, has reached this degree of comfort thanks to the car. One day we'll talk about it. Having established this basis, we must conclude that we should not do without something that has been so positive for human beings and, in some way, they have been telling us that, to avoid climate change, we should do so.

DGT environmental badges
The DGT's environmental badges may have their days numbered.

Intermediate reflection: Eight thousand years ago the Sahara was an orchard. Does anyone have information on the number of combustion engines that could have existed at that historical moment? I've looked for it, but no source mentions it. The fact is that, with what there were, the Sahara Four thousand years ago it became a desert. Now, according to studies by climatologist Stefan Kröpelin, surrounding regions, such as the Sahel, are greening again.


But let's continue. The problem lies, it seems, in the emission of CO2 to the atmosphere of our cars, extracting it from fossil fuels, due to their status as greenhouse gases. Someone come up, while I'm writing this, please, and take a photo of the graph of the evolution of CO2 throughout the life of our planet that is exposed at the entrance of the Altamira cave, in Cantabria…

Now, What if we had fuels with zero net emissions? That is, they would emit the same amount of CO2 that they already had when they were made. I understand that there would be no problem driving our vehicles because, in relative terms, it could be said that they do not pollute anything at all. Said in the words of José Mota: the chickens that come in for the ones that come out.

Biofuels can save our beloved classics. Picture of IADE-Michoko en Pixabay.

Well, here is one of our most prestigious multinationals, The Repsol company already offers this type of fuel. It does so in forty-two of its gas stations in our national territory (according to its Repsol Service Station Search) and it is proposed to do so in about six hundred by the end of the year. The great advantage of these renewable fuels, in addition to their net zero emissions, is that They can be used from now on in the vehicles we currently have without the need for any type of modification. Both cycle engines diesel Like gasoline ones, they can be used directly.


So-called biofuels have a new associated environmental advantage, it seems to me. It is none other than we can extend the useful life of vehicles that are already manufactured and, therefore, optimize our use of raw materials and the energy necessary for it.

With this absolutely brilliant solution, we can continue using, say, a Opel Corsa 2001 year which, otherwise, would be condemned to scrapping. Furthermore, since it does not pollute, use it to reach any point in our national geography. That is, those most vulnerable people, those who have fewer financial resources to buy a new car, will have the opportunity to keep the current ones active without any limitation.

CAMPSA gas station
There is hope for collector cars. Repsol image.

If we extend this reflection to the end, Not even the DGT labels would make sense anymorenor the restricciones that they impose to access the low emission zones of our cities any software. Of course, as Repsol explains on its website, these renewable fuels are extracted from organic remains such as banana peels, nut peels and forestry waste.

So everyone eat bananas (canaries, of course) and peanuts in abundance! Hopefully, It would be the end of the DGT and Low Emission Zones stickers.

cover image of yolanda garcia en Pixabay.

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Written by Jaime Queralt-Lortzing Beckmann

We have translated the English freaky voice into Spanish as a freak and I think it quite accurately defines my excessive fondness for those classics that, for one reason or another, can be considered rare, such as series of limited units, with eccentric technological solutions or those unknown prototypes. . I started organizing, together with a group of enthusiasts, the TRECE regularity championship for classics and I have the pleasure of being part of the team that founded the extinct magazine Coches Clásicos, in which we have had the opportunity to write for eighteen years. I still consider myself a rally driver and try to preserve a small collection of those rarities.

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