
Hispano-Suiza diversifies and enters passenger transport

Beyond producing buses after the Crisis of 1907, Hispano-Suiza became a shareholder in various companies dedicated to passenger transportation in Spain.

120 years after its founding, the image of Hispano-Suiza remains closely linked to the most exclusive and refined aspects of world motorsport. What's more, the recent rescue of the brand - not by any investment group given to questionable speculations, but by the Mateu family itself - has also been linked to this sector, presenting a design with cutting-edge technology produced in short series.

However, the trajectory of Hispanic-Suiza It was not only limited to this area. Far from it, from aeronautical mechanics - and even naval to a lesser extent - to the production of vans and buses, the The Sagrera They learned about various business avenues. Something well documented and that, in the end, served as a breeding ground for the gestation of Pegasus after the Civil War.

In any case, among the multiple investments made by the house of Catalan origin - the appearance in 1914 of its factory in Bois-Colombes invites us to rethink according to which identities - there was also the one related to transportation. A business pirouette which, really, came as a consequence of the necessary diversification of activities that began after the crisis of 1907. In short, a fact that is well worth going through in parts.


Under the name of La Hispano-Suiza Fábrica de Automóviles S.A., it was born on June 14, 1904, which, to this day, continues to be one of the great references for luxury motorsport. Deeded with a quarter of a million pesetas, its main partners were Damià Mateu and Francesc Seix while Marc Birkigt himself - the cornerstone of the brand's engineering - took up to ten shares.

From here on, the financial situation of the new society could not go any faster. In fact, just eleven months later, its board of directors had to call an extraordinary meeting in order to increase the capital. up to half a million. And, in honor of the excellent sales, the Hispano-Suiza workshops required constant expansion and more labor.

In this sense, while 1904 closed with the production of only 6 passenger cars, 1905 did so with 33, 1906 with 48 and 1907 with up to 75. Likewise, the advertisements in the press - as well as the presence at the London and Paris shows– paid tribute in pursuit of an increasingly ambitious commercial projection. So much so that, at the end of 1906, the company decided to acquire the land of La Sagrera in order to create a new and more complete factory.

However, the outbreak of the stock market crisis of 1907 stopped that upward trend in its tracks, putting Hispano-Suiza on the ropes. What's more, the cancellation of orders was of such magnitude that it was on the verge of suspension of payments leading to the complete resignation of the board of directors on October 15 of that same year.

This being the case, and while attempts were made to add capital by any means possible, vice president Francesc Seix designed a strong readjustment that included a multitude of layoffs. Likewise, the volatility of the most exclusive segment of motorsports scared the company's shareholders, who for the following year decided diversify Hispano-Suiza products taking advantage of the possibilities offered by the new La Sagrera factory.


In this way, various van and bus prototypes capable of carrying loads of up to two tons were created in record time. What's more, with regard to passenger transport, bodywork models with up to thirty seats. Quite an achievement that, however, did not have the expected commercial success due to the financial inability of companies with regular lines.

For this reason -and during the same 1908- the management of Hispano-Suiza decided to become a shareholder in them. with up to 25% as long as they bought buses of the brand. All of this, of course, leaving aside those in which it was not necessary to invest in order to spur sales.

That said, at the end of 1909 they were already about thirty transport companies with Hispano-Suiza models only in Catalonia. In addition, the Barcelona house was judge and part of up to seven companies in Cantabria, Castellón, Aragón and Catalonia.

In short, an excellent entry into the world of regular lines, adding around 160 units with various capacities. from 1908 to 1913. Without a doubt, an intelligent and prosperous way to diversify interests after the scare in 1907.

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Written by Miguel Sánchez

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