Documentaries Classic Cars YouTube
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Four classic car documentaries to watch for free on YouTube

If you are tired of paying on different platforms to view content, we have the solution. We have selected several documentaries in Spanish that are uploaded to YouTube, that is, that you can see at no cost.

Who more who less is subscribed to a platform on which to watch content, be it Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime or those of the different telephone operators. However, there are options for enjoy content related to classic cars without having to check out. They are on YouTube, open and Spanish.

Among these classic car documentaries to watch for free, we have tried to make a more or less varied selection. Since we love rallies, we have not resisted including a video about the world championship in the 80s, with a special role for the Group B. In addition, we will see the documentary dedicated to the GMEV1 and, without leaving the United States, one dedicated to the m. We will end with a video that narrates the race for speed at the dawn of motorsport.


There are 50 minutes of a documentary devoted to The best time of the World Rally Championship. We are talking, of course, about those 80s that began with the dominance of Group 4, went through the indomitable Group B, to end up in Group A. Does anyone give more? Undoubtedly one of the best rally videos available on YouTube.


Almost 200.000 visits accumulate this documentary dedicated to the highway speed records of the first half of the XNUMXth century. From Camille Jenatzy's Jamais Contente to the duel between Mercedes-Benz and Auto Unión, which brought the figure to 432 km/h. It also makes an analysis of the fatal accident suffered by Bern Rosemeyer.


We recently told you the story of GMEV1, and then we already told you about this documentary. A review of the trajectory and, above all, of The mysteries surrounding the life of General Motor's first electric car. In addition, it is more fashionable than ever due to the electrification process that the automobile is experiencing today. It is in English, but subtitled in Spanish.


The program Car Maniac dedicated one of its chapters to the almighty mmaybe the wildest cars that ever existed. A review of some of the most beastly creations of the late 60s and early 70s, such as the Plymouth superbird. It lasts just over an hour and will delight fans of American classics.

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Written by Ivan Vicario Martin

I am lucky to have turned my passion into my way of earning a living. Since I left the Faculty of Information Sciences in 2004, I have been professionally dedicated to motor journalism. I started in the magazine Coches Clásicos in its beginnings, going on to direct it in 2012, the year in which I also took charge of Clásicos Populares. Throughout these almost two decades of my professional career, I have worked in all types of media, including magazines, radio, the web and television, always in formats and programs related to the engine. I am crazy about the classics, Formula 1 and the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

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