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25 cars with a Spanish name that are not SEAT

Since 1982, with the appearance of the SEAT Ronda, the brand created a way of naming its new models with names inspired by the Spanish geography, but they are one of many manufacturers that over the years have set their sights on Spain for their cars. . Today we will travel from north to south to review some of the most striking examples.

PEGASO Z-102 TIBIDABO: Continuing with the Pegaso Z-102 and following the aforementioned Rabassada road we find the Tibidabo hill, with privileged views of the city of Barcelona and its historic amusement park, and what a name it received a beautiful pegasus spider in 1952.

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Written by Javillac

This thing about cars comes to one since childhood. When other kids preferred the bicycle or the ball, I kept the toy cars.
I still remember as if it were yesterday a day when a black 1500 overtook us on the A2, or the first time I saw a Citroën DS parked on the street, I have always liked chrome bumpers.

In general, I like things from before the time I was born (some say I'm reincarnated), and at the top of that list are cars, which, together with music, make the ideal combination for a perfect time: driving and a soundtrack according to the corresponding car.

As for cars, I like classics of any nationality and era, but my weakness is American cars from the 50s, with their exaggerated shapes and dimensions, which is why many people know me as "Javillac".

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