Golf video evolution donut media
First generation. 1974.

Golf: The Car In A Minute And A Half

Okay, not the most shocking car. When you go for it you will not have a whirlwind of people around taking photos. If you are shy ... calm down, you will not be the center of all eyes when driving it. Not an accomplished racing driver? Nothing happens, we are not talking about radical sports either (although the GTI is the GTI). Luxuries ... well, good; It is well equipped but it is not a high-end saloon either. Then…

What makes Golf so special?

Well, precisely the to be a car that perfectly fulfills its mission: to be a practical, solid and reliable vehicle, prepared for intensive use. It drives easily, it is safe, it does not tend to break down suddenly, it has good finishes and it withstands both long trips and a day to day full of lumps in the trunk and children bouncing in the seats. What else can you ask for from a tourism? If for more than 40 years it has convinced millions of drivers ... it is a good car.


Volkswagen means "the people's car". And with Golf… they have managed to fulfill the mission to perfection. Of all the C class -those 5 seats that are big for you as a first car but that make you too young when you pass 50- this is the most representative. Comfortable, functional, affordable in price ... it has been satisfying the mobility needs of millions of drivers and families since 1974.

And that is the purpose of the brand in the midst of the oil crisis: create a popular model beyond the Beetle, without high consumption rates, thinking to be a bestseller. Today the Golf is the best-selling European car.

More than 40 years have seen a total of seven generations pass, with powers ranging from 50 HP of the basic model of the first generation to 230 HP of the current GTI. We have seen it develop its size and technology, as well as dressing as a convertible -and the generation of '74 gave the possibility of driving a Golf giving you the breeze-, sporty -its GTI version has for years been the reference in sportsmanship in passenger cars- and even off-road… Check them all out in the Donut Media video:


If you have just watched the video, you will have seen everything that has evolved. And what remains ... Because today Golf continues to enjoy excellent health: one sold every 40 seconds, so while you are reading this article imagine everything that must be moving in the four factories that produce it in Germany, Mexico and… China!

Adaptation to the future is coming from the hand of electricity, especially after scandals like diesel engines with high pollution rates. Volkswagen has already begun to explore this route since 2013, offering both electric -eGolf- and hybrid -GTE- versions.

There are already seven generations ... and those that remain.

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Written by Miguel Sánchez

We have been writing for La Escudería for almost seven years now; a time in which we have analysed the classic car market, searched for rarities and tried to understand many technical aspects.

I'll stay on this side of the keyboard if you stay tuned on the other side of the screen.

PS If you would like to give me a Lancia or a Triumph I would be grateful, however I would be more excited if you would collaborate with the magazine.

Remember, even going against the much-vaunted spirit of vocation that reigns in the guild of editors, the truth is that a specialized press can only be sustained by professional journalists.

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