video assembly of ultra-fast camera motors

Fast Motion V8 Engine Mounting: Chrysler Hemi Fire Power and Chevrolet LS3

Tonight the Magi come and from 'The Escudería' we want to do our bit of magic. How are we going to do it? Well, first of all, hand in hand with a restoration and new 3D printers. Two V8 engines in perfect magazine condition, although very different, will be our goal.

For today we suggest a couple of Videos that are didactic as well as inspiring and that teach us with an ultra-fast camera the costly work involved in assembling a mechanic. In the first, those involved are the guys from the English insurance brokerage Hagerty or with a V8 Chrysler Hemi Firepower. It is the first generation of the powerful Hemi engines (1951-58), designed with hemispherical combustion chambers and overhead camshafts. Pure rudimentary mechanics of yesteryear and artisan work ...

The second Video It is the complete opposite of what we have just seen. This time the engine is not a classic but rather modern technology: It's about the V8 LS3 that equip American sports cars like the current Chevrolet Camaro. However, as it is an atmospheric mechanic with a large displacement, the design is quite traditional; in fact, apparently the legendary small block designed by Ed Cole in the mid-50s.

Here the passion for vintage cars is replaced by that of the digital age and modeling: Eric harrell He has designed each of the pieces of his model by computer and then has materialized them with a 3D printer. The result, a scale motor operated by a small electric motor that is partially functional.

The thing is, the printing alone has taken him 200 hours of work. This is a magic thing to produce in your own home, Don't you think? How long will it take before we can build our own fully operational engines? We are at Christmas, without a doubt time to fantasize about being able to build our dreams ...

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Written by javier romagosa

My name is Javier Romagosa. My father has always been passionate about historic vehicles and I have inherited his hobby, while growing up among classic cars and motorcycles. I have studied journalism and continue to do so as I want to become a university professor and change the world ... More info

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