TraveSEAT final stage
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TraveSEAT 2024, a great ending to a unique experience

The SEAT 600 delegation finished the eighth edition of TraveSEAT on Saturday, June 29 at the foot of the Tower of Hercules, ending five days full of unforgettable moments.

Saturday morning began in Ribadeo colder than usual, and rainfall continued who had accompanied the attendees since their arrival at the municipality the previous day. The plan for this last day was to reach La Coruña, a great feat if you take into account that Ribadeo is the first Galician town after leaving Asturias.

So the cars started their journey very early, on a journey that took place parallel to the coasts of the Cantabrian Sea, except for a long stretch of mountain pass which did not represent any challenge for the more than one hundred SEAT 600 participants. The only stop on the tour took place at the top of said mountain, a brief pause that both cars and owners took advantage of to rest as the fog dissipated.


The thin but copious rain had accompanied the participants since the previous two days. Almost miraculously, as the distance that separated the 600 from La Coruña had increasingly clear between the clouds until the precipitation stopped to give way to a splendid sunny day. 

The famous occasion required removing the hood from the 600 D convertible that SEAT Coches Histéricos lent us for this trip. After an express stop we enjoyed the last kilometers of the route under the open sky, replacing the cold with a pleasant temperature typical of the Galician summer.

The procession was then escorted by the A Coruña police, who made way until they reached the emblematic Tower of Hercules, which marked the arrival of the 600 to the great Atlantic Ocean. Furthermore, upon arrival the TraveSEAT participants were accompanied by a Galician classic car club.

After a few photos in such a privileged place, we had to visit one last destination, the MAHI (Museum of Automotive and History), where visitors could enjoy a wide collection of vehicles and other ancient objects. It was there where we said goodbye definitively to the 128 cars that had completed the trip, since many would return to their places of origin by truck.

To finish there was a farewell dinner in a restaurant in Arteixo, where participants and organizers received the applause they deserved, with a special mention to the owner of the SEAT 800 who suffered an accident halfway through the journey, and his wife who was admitted to a hospital on the first day, and who fortunately both finished the TraveSEAT aboard a rental car.


After all the participants received a gift from the sponsors, the event came to an end. this unique experience that any SEAT 600 owner should participate in at least once, for which they have announced that next year they will take the Seílla to Basque lands.

Finally, I would like to personally thank the team at TraveSEAT and SEAT Historic Cars for their enormous kindness and professionalism since they have done everything possible to make the team of journalists who covered the route feel part of the great TraveSEAT family.

Images: Javier Ramiro

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Written by Javillac

This thing about cars comes to one since childhood. When other kids preferred the bicycle or the ball, I kept the toy cars.
I still remember as if it were yesterday a day when a black 1500 overtook us on the A2, or the first time I saw a Citroën DS parked on the street, I have always liked chrome bumpers.

In general, I like things from before the time I was born (some say I'm reincarnated), and at the top of that list are cars, which, together with music, make the ideal combination for a perfect time: driving and a soundtrack according to the corresponding car.

As for cars, I like classics of any nationality and era, but my weakness is American cars from the 50s, with their exaggerated shapes and dimensions, which is why many people know me as "Javillac".

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