Porsche Anniversary in Retromobile

Retromóvil Madrid 2023 will celebrate Porsche's 75th Anniversary

With barely a week left until a new edition of the Madrid show starts, we finish finding out the latest news.

The next The 24th edition of Retromóvil Madrid will take place from November 26 to 20, the oldest classics fair in our country. It will be in Pavilion 3 of IFEMA. The so-called International Vintage, Classic and Collectible Vehicle Show celebrates its XNUMXth edition, a round number that will serve as an excuse to offer a whole series of special exhibitions that will delight motor lovers.

We have been breaking it down over the last few weeks, but it is worth remembering that in the Madrid salon can be seen for the first time in decades dodge spear, a sport that broke molds at the time. The Eduardo Barreiros Foundation will also be present, which will celebrate the 25th anniversary of your museum, plus some other surprise. How can we forget the exhibition dedicated to 110 years of the Aston Martin brand, watchword English sportsmanship and luxury.

Porsche 75th Anniversary in Retromobile

And speaking of sportiness, we cannot forget the centenary of the green Quadrifoglio, Alfa Romeo's most passionate brand. Retromóvil will celebrate bringing together several Spanish pilots who contributed their grain of sand to the legend. Lastly, also will be present on Dodge Boulevard MM30, perhaps the most spectacular creation of Pedro Serra,


As it could not be otherwise, there will be no shortage a space dedicated to 75 years of Porsche, one of the brands that awaken passions in the world. It will be done in its own space that has been prepared in collaboration with the Porsche Club Spain, which is a guarantee of success. The idea is to review the history of the Stuttgart firm through the models that have made it great.

Thus, there will be a total of seven models on display that will serve as a perfect review of these 75 years of history. Starting, obviously, with the first of all, the 356, of which a beautiful Speedster version will be exhibited. You can then enjoy a 914, a different Porsche, and a 944, representative of the brand's models with a front engine. The next step will be Boxster, a car that saved the firm in the 90s.

Could not miss the Cayenne, the SUV that allowed Porsche to arm itself economically like never before in its history. Nor does he 911, the cornerstone on which the fans of the brand pivot and one of the most extraordinary sports cars in the world. The exhibition will close with a car that represents the present and the future, the electric one Taycan, proof that these types of models can also exude passion. To top it off, on Saturday the 25th, there will be a concentration at IFEMA organized by the Porsche Club Spain which will bring together more than 100 units.


To go to the popular Madrid show, Tickets can be purchased at official website of Motor Events and also at the IFEMA ticket offices. The price is 15 euros for either means and children up to 8 years old are free. Tickets for the are not on sale yet. classic car park, so those interested will have to be attentive in the coming days.

What can be reserved now is the space in the Club Station, the area designed so that clubs can both attract new members and promote their activities. Who want to sell a classic in the Corral Garage You can also request it now. He Retromóvil Madrid 2023 schedule It will be from 10 a.m. to 20 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, while on Sunday it opens at the same time, but closes at 15:00 p.m.

Poster Retromóvil Madrid 2023

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Written by Ivan Vicario Martin

I am lucky to have turned my passion into my way of earning a living. Since I left the Faculty of Information Sciences in 2004, I have been professionally dedicated to motor journalism. I started in the magazine Coches Clásicos in its beginnings, going on to direct it in 2012, the year in which I also took charge of Clásicos Populares. Throughout these almost two decades of my professional career, I have worked in all types of media, including magazines, radio, the web and television, always in formats and programs related to the engine. I am crazy about the classics, Formula 1 and the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

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