Classic ships in León
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Breaking news, the more than 75 classics of León's ship are being sold at a bargain price or they could end up being scrapped

Apparently, the real estate agency that is marketing the property wants to sell the warehouse and get rid of all the cars inside, which are for sale for a ridiculous price.

At the beginning of this month of July we met the news of a warehouse in León full of classic cars, all with national registration. They are stored in a warehouse of 2.500 square meters, 6.000 m2 urban, according to the real estate agent on his Tik Tok channel. Let's remember that we are talking about a collection of dozens of classics that have been stored there for decades. Now, we have known that the classics are on sale and that, if this is not achieved, they could end up being scrapped.

Unfortunately, the ship is not completely closed, so many of the cars have not been sufficiently protected against inclement weather. This has meant that the condition of some of the examples is not ideal, although in general they seem to be well preserved, which is important, since in most cases the value of a restoration would exceed the final price of the car.

Apparently It was a place known by some fans in the area, although its location continues to be “secret” to avoid visits by curious people and carelessness. It is only known that it is between León and Asturias.


The agent in charge of marketing the property has published several videos in recent weeks showing the contents of the warehouse in more depth. Thanks to these videos, We have been able to update the list of classics that we already published at the beginning of July until completing a total of more than 63 cars. They are the following:

In addition, there is an old tractor (Barreiros?), a gondola to transport cars and at least six other classics that we have not been able to identify, one of them pre-war. Regarding the previous video, we see how grasses and weeds have grown considerably covering some of the vehicles.


The seller has announced that his main interest is getting rid of the ship and that classics are not his specialty. Thus, has lowered the price from the 48.000 euros it asked for in the original video to only 42.000 euros. It must be noted that the reference value of the property is 123.000 euros. The contact telephone number is 603921049.

In addition, he has made a particularly interesting announcement for fans of the classics, since The list of cars and their corresponding sales prices has been completed. Although it says that there are more than 110 vehicles, the truth is that the figure seems a little inflated, since in the video you can see a maximum of 75-80, which is not bad at all. To know the list of classics of León's ship there is than to contact specialist George Smith Good, who will be the one to respond in this regard.

The most interesting thing is that the price that has been set for all of them fluctuates between 500 euros for the cheapest to 1.000 euros for the most expensive. Without a doubt, more than appropriate figures for popular classics that need to be revived. The alternative is that they end up in CAT Scrapyards León, in San Miguel del Camino. So, you already know, If you are interested in any of the cars, you can contact George Smith Good.

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Written by Ivan Vicario Martin

I am lucky to have turned my passion into my way of earning a living. Since I left the Faculty of Information Sciences in 2004, I have been professionally dedicated to motor journalism. I started in the magazine Coches Clásicos in its beginnings, going on to direct it in 2012, the year in which I also took charge of Clásicos Populares. Throughout these almost two decades of my professional career, I have worked in all types of media, including magazines, radio, the web and television, always in formats and programs related to the engine. I am crazy about the classics, Formula 1 and the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

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