Sorted alphabetically:

Friends of the Tractors D'epoca del Bages
post office 33
Sant Vicenc de Castellet
Barcelona 08295 Catalonia
Tel: 686 676 715
Contact: Mr. Albert Torras

Spanish Association of Friends of Agricultural Machinery
Main Square 1
40140 Valverde del Majano
Loss: 619 22 88 91
Contact: Eloy Galván (President)

Galician Association of Friends of Classic Agricultural Machinery (AGAMAC)
C / Eirexe, 1 (Trasliste)
Tel: 649 932 307
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Manolo Ata

Association for the Recovery and Conservation of Buses (ARCA)
Rosales Street. 43
08208 Sabadell
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Mr. Joaquín Canales Saez

Association for the Rehabilitation of Classic Industrial Vehicles (ARVIC)
Pol. Industrial La Estacion, 10
30594 Strait of Cartagena Well
Tel: 692 578 926
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Oscar Cegarra

Tran-Bus Association
Email: [email protected]

Pegaso Hispanic Swiss National Club
C / Clara Campoamor 26
41820 Carrion de los Cespedes
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 654 031 963
Contacts: Juan Antonio Estepa

Eduardo Barreiros Foundation
Alfonso XII, 44
28014 Madrid
Loss: 914 11 92 20
Contacts: Ms. Mariluz Barreiros

Retro Car Club Roncana
Civic and Cultural Center "La Fábrica"
Camí del Gual, s / n
08187 Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Josep Astudillo

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