Renault 4L 4x4 2024
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This 4 Renault 4L 4×2024 is the most brutal thing you'll see today

Today's design programs allow you to do things that seem like magic, such as turning a Renault 4 into a real off-roader. But don't expect to see it driving around the streets of your town.

Before we start talking about Renault 4L 4×4 2024, we started talking about the “Four Cans”, a very peculiar nickname, right? But in Spain we are unique in creating nicknames for almost anything. In any case, Renault made it easy with the name: 4L. But that nickname, today mentioned with the utmost affection, did not overshadow its virtues, which were many. In fact, There are those who consider it the authentic and true first SUV, as it was capable of doing anything with much more ease than any current “Sport Utility Vehicle”.

Perhaps that is why Renault wants to recover, as it has done with the R5, this “old” model for its new electric era, or perhaps, as the gossips say, it turns out that they are short of ideas and are looking to add some cachet and a certain romantic tint to a technology that has not yet taken off. Whatever the case, the Renault 5 electric will have a companion with as much history as himself: The Renault 4 will return to the market, although it will be much changed.

There will be many who will cry out to heaven about a car like this. Renault 4 should not have a comeback to the market as the French firm is preparing, but there is the Fiat 500 and its enormous sales success for many years, although it is also fair to recognize that the Fiat 500 is much more faithful to the original than the R4 will be. However, Surely if the return of the Renault 4 was like our protagonist, things could be very different.Yes, right?


Renault 4L 4×4 seen from the front

The Internet has given us access to a huge amount of knowledge, it has put instant communication in our hands, the possibility of buying anything we can think of without leaving home, and it has also made it possible to work from home, which is no small feat. But not only that, It has also allowed certain companies and people with a lot of imagination to make their work known in a much simpler way..

Just like what happened with Enka World, an independent design studio responsible for creating a digital project based on the Renault 4 that, to be honest, is quite spectacular. It has been christened the Renault 4L 4×4 2024 and, according to the company, it pays homage to the original with a contemporary and refined aesthetic.a, but without necessarily violating the original essence of the model.

We don't know what they mean by "original essence", but at first glance, It is clear that the “low cost” aspect and versatility of the Renault 4 are conspicuous by their absence., because if it were to become a reality, the 4 Renault 4L 4×2024 from Enka World would not be exactly cheap, nor would it be especially versatile, unless versatility is understood as the ability to travel almost anywhere…

Interior of the Renault 4L 4x4

In fact, you only have to take a look at the cabin that the people at Enka World have imagined to realize that The simplicity and austerity of the original Renault 4 have disappeared and it now comes with carbon fiber, leather on the seats, an essential screen… Admittedly, it is attractive, it also gives off a certain old-fashioned spirit in its shapes, but compared to the interior of the original R-4, the 4 Renault 4L 4×2024 is a spaceship, or almost.


Whether it is respectful of the original or not is a question that seems unimportant today - there is Ford with the new Capri, or the aforementioned electric Renault 5 - but At first glance, no one would doubt that the work of Enka World is based on the Renault 4The basic shapes drawn by Robert Barthaud and his team back in the 50s have been very successfully maintained. Everything is larger, less rudimentary and much more spectacular, but the model can be recognised from any angle.

The studio that has been commissioned to shape this project has not provided data on engines, dimensions or technical data, but It is clearly noticeable that it is wider, taller and much more aggressive.. Its wheel arches, the huge all-terrain wheels and the roof rack with extra headlights and spare wheels stand out above all else. It exudes an adventurous spirit thanks to all its screws and sheet metal joints.

Rear of the Renault 4L 4×4 2024

We still don't know what the future electric Renault 4 that they have prepared for us will be like, but it will surely not be as spectacular or as recognizable as this creation. digital version of Enka World. It will never become a reality, but you only have to browse the web for a few minutes to see how some people have already dared to carry out a similar conversion with a Renault 4.

Written by Javi Martin

If you ask me where my love for motoring comes from, I wouldn't know how to answer. It has always been there, although I am the only one in the family who likes this world. My father worked as a draftsman in a metallurgical company with a lot of auto parts production, but there was never a passion like I can have.

I really like automobile history and I am currently creating a personal library dedicated exclusively to motor history in Spain. I also have a huge collection of scanned material and have written the book "The 600, a dream on wheels" (Larousse publishing house).

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