
The 22 most important cars in the history of Spain

We propose a different article, with no greater pretensions than to review some of the cars that have marked an era in our country.

The most important cars in the history of Spain Dodge 3700 GT
DODGE DART/3700 ​​GT: The Darts were the first cars built by Barreiros after his association with Chrysler. At the time, they were the most luxurious models produced in Spain, being replaced by the 3700 GT. This car is also part of the history of Spain because President Carrero Blanco died in it in an attack in 1973. Sales expectations were not met, which, in the long run, meant the total sale of Barreiros Diesel.
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Written by Ivan Vicario Martin

I am lucky to have turned my passion into my way of earning a living. Since I left the Faculty of Information Sciences in 2004, I have been professionally dedicated to motor journalism. I started in the magazine Coches Clásicos in its beginnings, going on to direct it in 2012, the year in which I also took charge of Clásicos Populares. Throughout these almost two decades of my professional career, I have worked in all types of media, including magazines, radio, the web and television, always in formats and programs related to the engine. I am crazy about the classics, Formula 1 and the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

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